Am Can Ch Poker Flat's Road Warrior WTD WLD
Am Can Ch Vuelta Toros By Wild Wind TNT ROM
Int Am Jap Ch Wild Winds Viewer's Choice ROM
Wild Wind's Spirit of Satan
Ch Keeleys Wild Trade Wind
Ch Wild Winds October Frost ROM
BIS Ch Wild Wind's Magnum of Veebee ROM
Ch Keeley's Faith in Wild Wind
Ch Poker Flat Northern Exposure WTD ROM
Am Can Ch Taolan Flying Colours ROM
Am Can Bda Ch Kiskayo's Best ROM
Am Can Ch J-Len's Taolan Tamisan ROM
Ch Poker Flat's Snow Flurrie CD WTD ROM
BIS Am Can Ch Barrenfield's Rocket Torpedo WTD ROM
Ch Poker Flat's Nahanni CD ROM
Am Ch Wolfmountains Watching 'Z' Terraglo
Am Ch Terraglo FireNice of Wolfmtn
Am Ch Glenhaven's Arctic Knight
Am Ch Tonopaw's Awesome Ayuskeemo
Big Paws Petite Allegro
Am Ch Wolfmountain's Sand Pebbles
WolfMtn's Rock of Hug-A-Bear
Am Ch Wolfmtn's Jade of Moche Pac
Am Ch Wild Winds Zephyr of Wolfmountain
Am Can Ch Firestorm's Avenger
Outlaw Grizzly Jack
Ole Gold's Pyrite on Firemtn
Am Can Ch Vuelta Toros Best Wild Wind
Int Am Jap Ch Wild Winds Viewer's Choice ROM
Ch Wild Winds October Frost ROM